The Best Exercises to Improve Your Posture

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The Best Exercises to Improve Your Posture

The Best Exercises to Improve Your Posture

Having a poor body posture can be quite weary. This is because a poor body posture requires that you have extra energy for the performance of simple tasks as compared to an individual with a proper body posture. Excessive weight issues, the emergence of social media networks which are highly addictive and stress have further added to the problem of poor body posture. How then can we fix this problem?

The Best Exercises to Improve Your Posture 2

Exercise one

The most basic and highly effective perfect exercise will be a bit uncomfortable at first but you should get comfortable as you proceed. You will need to follow the following steps:

  • Lie facing the floor with the stomach as the support for the rest of the body
  • Slowly lift the upper part of the body. You should be careful to ensure that the weight is evenly spread out to avoid any complications on the backbone.
  • Lift the head to a level that is as high and as comfortable as possible. Do not push yourself to a level that will be painful or uncomfortable.
  • Maintain the position with the arms stretched to the sides and resting on the hips.
  • This exercise should be repeated with two-minute breaks and has the effect of activating the back and leg muscles that were out of position.

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The Best Exercises to Improve Your Posture 1

Exercise two
This exercise would be highly effective if conducted between two people in an open place, preferably outside. The steps to be followed include:

  • Rest your back against the other person’s back facing away from each other. You should be as close as possible.
  • Outstretch your hands and let the other person do the same such that the hands are at a horizontal lining to the rest of the body.
  • Slowly bend over and shift accordingly to the weight of your partner. It is important that both of you have approximately equal weight so that the process is not strenuous.
  • Repeat the procedure while alternating between in shifts for a maximum of ten rounds.
  • Take regular breaks in between the exercises of about five minutes each being keen to keep stretching the hands and the legs.
  • The Best Exercises to Improve Your Posture

The simple exercises that have been described above should be repeated daily at approximately the same time. This is essential so that the muscles of the body can adapt and therefore stretch accordingly. Over a period of time, you will have a fully straightened out back!

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