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If You’re Experiencing These 14 Signs Then You’re Probably Not Drinking Enough Water

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If You're Experiencing These 14 Signs Then You're Probably Not Drinking Enough Water

If You’re Experiencing These 14 Signs Then You’re Probably Not Drinking Enough Water

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Water is often described as an essential diet aide but overlooked for its everyday health benefits. Here are 14 symptoms and health concerns related to inadequate water intake that can inspire anyone to seek enhanced health through the simplest of solutions: water.

If You're Experiencing These 14 Signs Then You're Probably Not Drinking Enough Water

1. Dry mouth
Simple but significant, dry mouth can be an important indicator of early dehydration. Heed this warning with pure water or other unsweetened beverages.

2. Dry eyes
Inadequate hydration causes a decreased production of tears, the solution responsible for naturally keeping eyes safe and comfortable. Before looking for a dry eye solution, try increasing water intake.

3. Dry Skin
Skin flakiness, a sign of excess oil and inadequate exfoliation, is often mistaken for skin dryness. Truly dry skin, which is cracked and painful, should be soothed with creams on the outside and healed with water from the inside.

4. Premature Aging
The deepest layers of the skin are supported by water-rich tissues. With inadequate water intake, these areas can become depleted and contribute to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


Some areas of the body show readily apparent signs of dehydration

5. Excessive fatigue
Inadequate hydration alters the efficiency with which oxygen is delivered to the body. This causes a sense of fatigue that cannot be overcome by everyday stimulants like caffeine.

6. Excessive thirst
More than just dry mouth, thirst is a craving for water. Be careful: if dehydration becomes severe, the sensation of thirst can be diminished so drink water before becoming thirsty and as especially when thirst begins to set in.

7. Illogical hunger
The areas of the brain that sense hunger and thirst are very close to one another. Triggers to one area appear to easily trigger both areas however, the body’s response to hunger signals is stronger than it is for thirst. As a result, dehydration often causes a sense if hunger, even at times when there should be no reason to feel hungry.

8. Joint Pain
Dehydrated cartilage allows boney surfaces to come closer together, allowing surfaces to rub together that normally would not. Help protect joints with regular, adequate water intake.

RELATED ARTICLE: Common Knee Cartilage Problems

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Dehydration can affect many senses and sensations

9. Decreased Muscle Mass
Muscles naturally hold a large amount of water. The weight loss that occurs in many “crash” diets is attributed primarily to the dehydration of these tissues causing shrinkage as well as cramping and muscle fatigue

10. Hindered immune function
The body requires sufficient water stores to eliminate toxins via the urine. During an infection, dehydration can mean bring sick longer as the body is less capable of flushing away wastes.

11. Digestive Problems
Fluid exchange facilitates the entire digestive process. Dehydration can cause the digestive tissues to function less effectively, leading to a whole host of problems.

12. Constipation
Just as fluids are needed for absorption they are also essential for elimination of substances from the digestive system. Increased fluid intake is a simple but effective cure for constipation.

13. Reduced Urination
Urine color and volume was one of the earliest diagnostic tools used by health care practitioners and can still provide an excellent guide to hydration status. Continue to drink water throughout the day at least until the urine has reached a light yellow color. This should result in at least four trips to the bathroom.

14. You are reading this
Most people do not drink enough water or rely too heavily on other beverages for fluid intake. Aim for 2 liters (67 ounces) of pure water daily and enjoy the difference deep hydration makes!

Webmd NHS


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