5 Reasons Why Curvy Women Make the Best Lovers
Curvy gals may not be the reigning beauty queens on today’s high fashion catwalks, but look into men’s boudoirs and you will find a whole different kind of truth emerging. There is a whole host of reasons why curvy women make the best lovers, some of which are biological, some social, some based on current standards of female beauty and some simply personal male preference.
Here, we look at the top five reasons for choosing a curvy woman to warm your bed
Reason #1: Her body is made for holding.
Have you ever struggled to hold on to a skinny woman in bed? In fact, with the lights out, it can be hard to feel your way to much of anything at all! But curvy women have all the telltale markers you need for cuddling and more – lights not required.
Reason #2: Her gene pool is better.
If making little yous is on your mind, you definitely want to choose the mate with the best DNA. When science looks at the reason why men as a whole prefer a curvier shape, it all goes back to health and passing on the gene pool. Curvy breasys and butts also point to more omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for strong development of brains and bones.
Reason #3: Long before Twiggy, curvy girls owned the runway…and the red carpet.
You don’t have to look too far back in beauty history before you happen upon Marilyn Monroe, who is still making waves today for her unstoppable curvy feminine beauty. Is it any wonder you still want to go to bed with her? Having a curvy lady beneath your sheets turns all those Marilyn fantasies on full force….for your benefit and hers!
Reason #4: Your eyes can’t lie.
Men are visual creatures, period, the end. If it looks good, it turns you on. This is part of male biology honed throughout thousands of years of history. And the truth is, nothing looks better than a set of brick house curves in some “take it off” lingerie.
Reason #5: Her curves enhance certain, um, positions.
Let’s face it, we all have our preferences in the bedroom. But the curvier your partner is, the more she can do and the easier it is for her to try out new things. Plus, her confidence is contagious – as she owns her curves, she encourages you to let loose and enjoy what you’ve got without reservation or hesitation!