Best Exercises Targeting Each Muscle Group

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Best Exercises Targeting Each Muscle Group

Best Exercises Targeting Each Muscle Group

This is about the time where those New Years Resolutions start getting left to the wayside as many look at themselves in the mirror and don’t see the results they were hoping for. It’s true that it can be hard work losing that extra belly fat you’ve been carrying around for so long or adding on a few pounds of muscle to your frame. But it’s even truer that it’s possible to make that work much harder on yourself than it has to be. It’s best to keep it simple by taking heed of the following easy tips.

Best Exercises Targeting Each Muscle Group

First, of course, there is your diet. If you’re trying to add muscle then you need to add the requisite protein to your daily meals. It’s estimated that one should consume around 1g of protein for every pound of lean body mass – that is, the amount you weigh minus the amount of fat you have. After diet, it’s all about working out smart and efficiently. With all the weights in the gym and all the muscles in your body, it can be difficult to know just exactly what or how you work out. To illuminate all that complexity, let’s break down the body.

Master Your Muscles 2

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