What You Should Know About Vitamin B12 and Warning Signs Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

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What You Should Know About Vitamin B12 and Warning Signs Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

You probably already know how important vitamins are for your body. Vitamin B12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin commonly found in fish, meat, eggs, and dairy products. Vegans can get it from tempeh, kombu, nori, miso, spirulina, and fortified foods. Interestingly it can be made in a laboratory. It’s essential for proper functioning of the brain, nerves, blood cells, and DNA synthesis. B12 is frequently included with other B vitamins as a supplement.

B12 deficiency is more common in the elderly. Increasing B12 is a recognized treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease, heart disease, male infertility, diabetes, insomnia, depression, weak bones, mental disorders, AIDS, swollen tendons, asthma, allergies, vitiligo (a skin disease), many skin conditions, and memory loss. It can be used to improve mood, increase energy, enhance concentration, and improve the immune system. It helps slow the aging process and prevent some cancers, including cervical. Supplements can be taken orally in a tablet or gel applied inside the nose.

What You Should Know About Vitamin B12 and Warning Signs Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency 1

In today’s world where earphones and headphones are common, ringing in the ear is also prevalent, this can be treated with vitamin B12. Other diseases or conditions that can be treated with B12 include kidney disease, liver disease, and excessive bleeding. It’s also a great preventive measure against allergies and infections caused by tobacco smoke.
To cure psoriasis and eczema you can use it alone or with avocado oil on your skin.

Symptoms of B12 deficiency:

Clinical deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause anemia and damage to the nervous system. The majority of vegans consume enough vitamin B12 and are less prone to deficiency, however there are two categories of vegans that are at high risk:

• Long-term vegans who avoid eating fortified foods
• Breastfed infants of mothers who are vegan and are low in B12.

For adults deficiency symptoms include:

• Low energy
• Soreness and weakness of arms and legs
• Numbness
• Tingling
• Fatigue
• Hair loss
• Impaired touch
• Difficulty walking or speaking
• Memory loss
• Less sensitivity to pain or pressure
• Blurred vision
• Personality changes
• Loss of appetite
• Diarrhea
• Inflammation in the mouth
• Yellowish skin

Low level of B12 for longer periods may cause irreversible damage to the nerve cells with the following symptoms:

• Irritability
• Numbness in hands and feet
• Dementia
• Psychosis
• Depression
• Memory loss
• Muscle weakness

Early detection and treatment is crucial, “If left untreated the deficiency can cause severe neurologic problems and blood diseases,” says Dr. Bruce Bistrian, Chief of Clinical Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Beth-Israel Deaconess Medical Center.


• A blood test is required by a medical practitioner to confirm the deficiency as these symptoms can be caused by other conditions.
• Vegans especially should be aware of their vitamin B12 intake as plant-based sources of B12 are not as reliable.
As always talk to your healthcare practitioner before starting this, or any other supplement, B12 is contraindicated in some conditions, your provider can advise you.

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