10 Signs You Have an Offensive Personality and You Don’t Know It

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10 Signs You Have an Offensive Personality and You Don't Know It

10 Signs You Have an Offensive Personality and You Don’t Know It

Walking around as if you have a dark cloud hanging over your head? Never seem to be able to keep relationships afloat? Find yourself pretty much alone most of the time? Body language, verbal expressions, or tone of voice can all be sent out as signals that oftentimes people are not aware of and maybe they are. These very well could be signs of an offensive personality.

10 Signs You Have an Offensive Personality and You Don't Know It

What is an Offensive Personality?

If the explanation of an offensive personality was to be broken down into two words, the results from Dictionary.com would define “offensive” as repugnant to the moral sense, good taste, or the like; insulting, annoying; moreover, psychologically speaking, “personality” defined “as the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual. “To summarize the aforementioned statements, an “offensive personality” is an organized pattern of behavioral characteristic of an individual that is disgusting, annoying, or insulting. The person has no control over what they say or do and could care less what others think about it. In any case, it is not a good scenario for anyone to find themselves in.

Signs of Offensive Personality

An article entitled, ” 6 Signs of Narcissism You May Not Know About”, appearing on Psychologytoday.com states the following signs:

• Are highly reactive to criticism
• Have low self-esteem
• Can be inordinately self-righteous and defensive
• React to contrary viewpoints with anger or rage
• Project onto others qualities, traits, and behaviors they can’t—or won’t—accept in themselves
• Have poor interpersonal boundaries

How to Deal with it

Using these negative personality traits as cope mechanisms for something much deeper such as insecurity, embarrassment, vulnerability is a learned way that the individual has integrated into his or life and grown accustom to. They originate during their adolescent years of upbringing in a household where parents were either over- or under-protected. Integrating the followings can be a step in the right direction:

Ask people that you have known for several years about your behavior and what annoys them about you

Seek professional help from a life coach, psychologist, or a spiritual leader

How to Prevent It

Prevention is a good intervention for those who have an offensive personality if they can ever come out of denial that that is the problem. It is only by confronting the problem and making a 90 degree turnaround will progress be made. Sometimes medication might be prescribed for treatment, depending on how major or minor the diagnosis are. From the website healthline.com, an article entitled, “Personality Disorder” states, “Treatment for personality disorders can be very successful. Treatments often include combining prescription medications with psychological counseling. Prescription medications could include antidepressants or antianxiety drugs. The most important thing is to continue treatment even when you begin to feel better. The personality disorder is manageable but it is probably not going to go away.”

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