
The Positive Side of Medicine

E-Cigarettes: The Burning Questions Answered

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E-Cigarettes: The Burning Questions Answered

They’re rapidly becoming the replacement for traditional cigarettes, but do any of us really know what makes up an e-cigarette, or how one works?

According to a new report, sales of electronic cigarettes – or “vaporizers” – across the largest supermarkets in Britain rose 49.5% in 2014, with an estimated 17.3 million devices sold.

E Cig

Despite this boom in popularity, some people have still never heard of e-cigarettes or “vaping” before.

Phoenix E-liquid has decided to raise the curtain and give the public all the information they need to know about e-cigarettes and how they work. Below they have answered the four most asked questions surrounding the topic of vaping.

What makes up an e-cig?

A standard e-cigarette consists of four main parts…
– Atomizer
– Power Button
– Battery
– Charger Point

How do they work?

A heating element at one end aerosolizes a liquid nicotine solution, and the vapor is inhaled through a mouthpiece.

Can they help people stop smoking?

A study of over nearly 6,000 smokers conducted by UCL, principally funded by Cancer Research UK, claims people attempting to quit without professional help are 60% more like likely to succeed using e-cigarettes.

Which type of e-cigarette is best for me?

Did you know there are three different types of e-cigarettes?

Further information on the different vaping options and the questions above have been condensed into a helpful infographic here

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