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7 Things Every Woman Should Do Before She Gets Married

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7 Things Every Woman Should Do Before She Gets Married

7 Things Every Woman Should Do Before She Gets Married

Marriage can seem like an iceberg, it’s got more under the surface. Once you’re married, that’s it. We sometimes see married women regretting a few things they missed when they were single. Some women get married young when they are not experienced enough to handle marriage. Experiencing different life adventures is important before you decide to get married. Here we have shortlisted certain things that a woman should do before tying the knot:

Things Every Woman Should Do Before She Gets Married

Travel with your girlfriends
Put on your travelling shoes and go on a trip with your girlfriends. Enjoy an adventure with your friends which may not be possible after you are married. Explore your destination and enjoy to the fullest. Drink, eat, flirt, dance, sing, all kinds of fun stuff you might not be able to do after your marriage. Plan a shopping oriented trip and enjoy shopping with your best friend.

Talk to your fiancé about your future
Don’t ignore this golden period, when you can talk endlessly to your fiancé about your future. This time will not come back, when he is your boyfriend and you have the chance to know him better. Plan your future, discuss careers, finances, children, the type of house you want and where, and who will be responsible for what parts of home maintenance, bills, childcare, and financial decisions.

Dance to your own drummer
When you’re single you’re often carefree. Do not let this period end in vain. Enjoy your freedom because someday you will be wrapped in rules and responsibilities. Be a little selfish and do whatever you want. Party late, decorate with your favorite colors, girly stuff, or posters of your favorite rock star or actor.

Find out what turns you on
You need to know your hot spots and what turns you on so you can tell your partner. You can use a vibrator, watch porn, read love books, or whatever helps. This will help you find your triggers and what you want to try. You can try different physical partners who will help you discover what you like too.

Spending money on your own desires
Right now you are not answerable to anyone about your purchases, the only person to please is you. Satisfy your desires even if they seem useless or idiotic. Buy that expensive dress that makes you feel beautiful.

Date a man just because you like him
If you like him, go for him. Don’t think too much or bother yourself with stupid questions. Remember you have nothing to lose and you will only gain experience. Kiss him for hours to your heart’s content. Explore new things about you and what you expect from a relationship.

Live alone
Autonomy can be wonderful. Living alone makes you grateful for the things your spouse contributes once they’re in the picture. It will also help you decide how you want to live eventually. It’s incredibly liberating to eat when and what you want, place furniture how you want, and make all your own decisions.

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