10 Diet Tips From Your Grandmother That Work

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10 Diet Tips From Your Grandmother That Work

10 Diet Tips From Your Grandmother That Work

Grandma never plopped down her hard-earned money for a gym membership, and she didn’t strut around town sporting a pair of sneakers that cost over a hundred bucks. It turns out that grandma was one smart cookie. Why? She lived a simple life, and obesity was a lot less common in her day.

Diet Tips From Your Grandmother

Grandmas top ten hits for weight loss

Eat your veggies

Love them or hate them, veggies are low in fat and calories. They are chock full of vitamins and are good for you. Nobody was ever obese because they ate too many vegetables.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

We can’t say for sure that an apple a day will result in your doctor hanging an “out of business” sign on his office door. We do know apples are a great low-calorie snack. They contain fiber and help prevent constipation. We all know the importance grandma placed on having a daily bowel movement.

Drink water

Grandma’s fridge wasn’t overflowing with ice-cold soda pop, but it did always contain a large picture of ice water. Unless you were born on another planet, you probably already know the wonderful benefits of drinking lots of water.

Get some fresh air

Instead of staying inside watching mindless reality TV, go outdoors. Being surrounded by nature is good therapy for dealing with stress. Less stress means less nibbling and snacking for those who struggle with being emotional eaters.

Become a Suzy homemaker

Learn to cook. Cooking at home puts you in control of what goes in your meals. You’re in control of how healthy or unhealthy your meals are.

Plant a garden

If you grow it, you know it. Gardening is good exercise, and the benefits are delicious and nutritious.

Make a pot of soup

Soup tends to fill you up, so you eat less of stuff that’s not good for you. Sipping a spoonful of yummy soup is soothing to the soul. If you ease stress, you eat less.

Hard work won’t kill you

Cleaning and doing yard work is a perfect workout. No expensive gym membership is necessary, and you will be productive while you burn calories.

Goodnight, sleep tight

Being sleep deprived leads to excessive intake of caffeine or eating sweet things to stay awake the next day. Get off of Facebook and go to bed early.

Shop smart

Fewer trips to the grocery store equals more money in the bank and less temptation to buy junk food. You don’t need to buy ingredients to make every dish you see on the Food Network. As grandma used to say, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

Grandma didn’t belong to a weight loss group, cook with exotic ingredients, or attend aerobics class. She never heard of Zumba or Pilates, but she did have old-fashioned common sense. We just might be wiser and slimmer if we follow her example.

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