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10 Cleaning Hacks That Cost a Few Pennies

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10 Cleaning Hacks That Cost a Few Pennies

10 Cleaning Hacks That Cost a Few Pennies

When it comes to cleaning supplies, it always seems like you end up spending more than you should. However, that is not necessary. There are lots of easy, cheap cleaning hacks you can use to lower the cost of your cleaning supplies. Here is a look at 10 cleaning hacks that cost just a few pennies.

10 Cleaning Hacks That Cost a Few Pennies cover

1. Cheap Duster

If you want to save money on your dusting, next time try using an old sock. This is a great way to get use out of old socks with holes in them. Turn the sock inside-out to collect the maximum amount of dust.

10 Cleaning Hacks That Cost a Few Pennies

2. Aluminum Foil Dryer Balls

Next time you run out of dryer sheets, try balling up two feet of aluminum foil into a ball. The aluminum foil will keep the static cling out of your clothes, and a bonus is that it will not leave any scent.

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3. Pick up Pet Hair

If you have a pet, you know how pet hair can build up in the carpet. A vacuum does not remove all of it, but you can scrape a squeegee across your carpet to get all of the pet hair and other debris up out of it.

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4. Freshen up a Cutting Board

When your cutting board gets a little funky, you can easily breathe new life into it by squeezing lemon juice and salt on it. Rub them in and you will get all the lingering odors out of it.

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5. Freshen up Your Garbage Disposal

If you have put something funky down your garbage disposal, you know how the scent can linger for a few days. Next time this happens, simply place a few citrus rinds in it and grind them up to eliminate the odor.

6. Use Newspaper for Windows

Don’t waste money on paper towels to wipe the glass cleaner off your windows. Old newspapers are free, and they will eliminate streaks much better.

7. Clean Your Showerhead

If your showerhead has become clogged with mineral deposits, simply tie a sandwich bag of vinegar around it for 20-30 minutes to completely remove them.

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8. Get Rid of Moldy Grout

Simply mix together bleach and baking soda to create a solution that will do wonders for removing mold from tile grout or any other area in your home.

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9. Perfect Bodily Waste Cleaner

If you have a pet or baby, you have probably dealt with an accident on the carpet at some point. The next time this happens, you can spread baking soda and water on top of the waster to completely remove the mess and odor.

10. Get a Gleaming White Toilet Bowl

If your toilet is looking a little tarnished, you can place two or three Alka-Seltzer tablets in the bowl. Let them sit for 15 minutes, and then splash in some vinegar. Use your toilet brush to scrub the mixture all over the bowl. You will be absolutely amazed at how white your toilet will be after this treatment.

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