7 Things Every Woman Should Know About Men

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7 Things Every Woman Should Know About Men

7 Things Every Women Should Know About Men

Men and women are created differently by God. Things that matter a lot to women don’t matter as much to men and vice versa, for the most part. Theories about men’s behavior have evolved based on studies conducted on men aged 18 to 22. Older men are more refined,in general, but still think and act differently from women. Women often complain that men’s behavior seems odd to them. Here are a few things women should know about men:

Things Every Women Should Know About Men

Actions speak louder than words
Men cannot read minds and they are not as expressive as most women are. Tell your man what you want and he will try to give you that. Stop expecting him to understand and fulfill your expectations on his own. Tell him what you expect and want. For example if you want him to surprise you with a special date tell him you love it when he surprises you with a date. Men have a decreased ability to be intuitive about what a woman wants so you’ll have to make sure he really knows your likes and dislikes.

Men want to be respected
Men expect respect in public and in private. They excel when they know you trust and admire them. They want respect more than love. If you respect them, they will respect you, and will try to maintain that respect. After all, respect is something that can only be earned. Shaunti Feldhahn, nationally syndicated newspaper columnist, author, and speaker, showed in research that men would rather withstand loss of loving feelings from their partners than to lose their respect. Think about ways in which you can demonstrate your respect for your man.

They are insecure
Men are sensitive when it comes to their role in life, whether at work or at home as a father and husband. They are internally secretly vulnerable, which they will rarely admit. A woman should acknowledge her husband’s role as a part of the family, which makes him more confident and secure. If you stop giving him affirmation, he is likely to seek it somewhere else. Remember that a man cannot read your mind so that you’ll have to think of ways to demonstrate admiration for him out loud or through obvious actions on your part.

You don’t need to look perfect
It’s not necessary to always look like an actress or model, because many men like it simple and natural. If he loves you at all, he is going to love you at your worst. You don’t need to change your personality and looks to please him. Be yourself, and he will appreciate you and your inner beauty. It is flattering to take time to dress up a little for special dates, so keep doing that, but you don’t need to spend a lot of time to get ready to go to the store or be in bed with your man.

Men need space too
Sometimes women become overly solicitous and get too involved so that men feel suffocated. If your guy is asking for some space, don’t take it personally, he actually just needs space. It doesn’t have anything to do with you or your relationship. Taking time for yourself to do your own thing is healthy and you should enjoy some alone time too. Relationships that feel too suffocating for a man may make him run the other way.

Selective hearing
Studies show men and women usually have different interests when it comes to conversation topics. Women often talk about love, relationships, and other people, while men find these topics boring. Instead, they appreciate talking about ideas and productive topics. If you want a productive conversation with your man, discuss topics that interest both of you.

Love-making is more than physical contact
If you want more frequent love contact from your guy, it will boost his confidence and performance in all aspects of life. If you maintain physical and emotional distance, he is likely to feel rejected and insecure. Closeness is an important factor in a relationship. The most important thing about love-making is whether or not you are compatible in bed. If this is not the case, try seeing a therapist.

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Image Credit: @jackJunk Instagram

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