23 Kitchen Hacks And Tricks That You Can Teach Your Mom

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23 Kitchen Hacks And Tricks That You Can Teach Your Mom

23 Kitchen Hacks And Tricks That You Can Teach Your Mom


These very helpful kitchen tips and tricks will save you time and money while you prepare your favorite dishes for the holidays, I wish I had known them a long time ago!

23 Kitchen Hacks And Tricks That You Can Teach Your Mom

Why not make our life a little easier with the hacks listed below:

1. Clever Bacon Pancakes

hack 23


2. Grill Fish On Lemon Slices To  Prevent Them From Sticking To The Grill

hack 22


3. Ripen Bananas In The Oven

hack 21


4. The Easy Way To Cut Cherry Tomatoes In Half

hack 20


5. Use This Trick To Open Jars Easily

hack 19


6. Freeze Herbs In Olive Oil To Preserve Their Freshness

hack 18


7. Use This Method To Keep Your Cake Fresh

hack 17


8. No Boiling Over When You Use A Wooden Spoon

hack 16


9. To Easily Peel Ginger Use A Spoon

hack 15


10. Shred Chicken In A Few Seconds

hack 14


11. Parchment Paper To The Rescue, No More Sticking Situations

hack 13


12. Keep Your White Wine Chilled With Grapes

hack 12


13. Get The Last Drops Of Juice Out

hack 11


14. Keep Your Lettuce Fresh for an entire week

hack 10


15. Cut Your Pancakes Evenly With A Pizza Cutter

hack 9


16. Turn Any Cup Into A Travel Cup

hack 8


17. Reheat Pasta Evenly

hack 7


18. Peel An Entire Head Of Garlic In Just A Few Shakes

hack 6


19. Leftover Sauce Ice Cubes For A Quick Reheat

hack 5


20. Peel An Orange Like A Professional

hack 4


21. Test Your Eggs Freshness With This Technique

hack 3


22. Easy Peel Pick Up

hack 2


23. Grate Cold Butter

hack 1

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