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How To Eliminate Head Lice With This Simple, Safe & Natural Remedy

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How To Eliminate Head Lice With This Simple, Safe & Natural Remedy

How To Eliminate Head Lice With This Simple, Safe & Natural Remedy

Head lice removal is undeniably challenging. Studies show that one head lice is able to hatch up to 300 eggs within a six day period. When head lice begin to appear, it is very important to be proactive about getting rid of them. Head lice are also very contagious. It is important to keep the head covered when a case of head lice presents itself. In order to naturally eliminate head lice, there are a few steps to take.

How To Eliminate Head Lice With This Simple, Natural Remedy

1. Utilize apple cider vinegar.

Depending on the amount of hair, measure out a generous amount of apple cider vinegar and rinse it throughout the scalp and hair. Apple cider vinegar contains properties that are responsible for disintegrating head lice and washing away the remains. After the hair and scalp are drenched in apple cider vinegar,ring the hair dry. Do not rinse out the vinegar with water yet.

2. Apply an oil treatment.

Oil mixtures are very helpful for fixing any hair issues. For problems like head lice, use a mixture of coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. Grease the scalp with the oil. Comb through each strand with a thick coating of the oil as well. Coconut oil holds the ability to kill head lice through suffocation. Extra virgin olive oil is the purest form of olive oil and holds a reputation as a natural fighter of bacteria and fungi. Extra virgin olive oil also promotes scalp health. Leave this mix on the hair for two or three hours.

3. Comb hair.

For this step, it is really helpful to use a lice remover comb. If one isn’t available, use tweezers. However, a lice remover comb is a great investment for head lice elimination. Comb through the hair while the oils and apple cider vinegar continue to do their job.

How To Eliminate Head Lice With This Simple Natural Remedy

4. Shampoo hair.

After the lice removal is finished and the hair is detoxified, it is time to shampoo the hair. Liquid castile soaps with a peppermint base are great for eliminating the oils. With the shampoo of choice, add a few drops of tea tree oil in the mix. Tea tree oil helps to suffocate any leftover traces of lice. After shampooing the hair, spray a mix of tea tree oil and water on the hair on a regular basis. This process helps lessen the chances of the lice thriving on the head again.

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