10 Ways You’re Being Unfaithful to Your Spouse and You Don’t Even Know It
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Marriage can be tough. Having to deal with someone else’s needs on a daily basis, and often having to prioritize them above our own, can create some wear and tear. Naturally, we seek relief from other outlets in our lives. But…what’s normal and what’s encroaching upon your marriage? These are 10 ways that people are often unfaithful, without even realizing it.
1. Talking about significant others behind their backs.
This one is so common that it often creeps in without us even realizing it. The problems start to arise when we do this with someone that we consider attractive. This can become a very dangerous situation, so be extremely mindful about sharing your marital woes with someone.
2. Finding yourself in an inappropriate situation.
Inappropriate situations can occur in the blink of an eye. One likely setting is the classic business trip. On business trips, a lecture or meeting can turn to drinks, thus setting up a tempting situation if there is a co-worker that one fancies. A recent study revealed that 36 percent of men and 13 percent of women cheated on business trips.
3. Developing closeness with an attractive friend.
Do not send constant emails or text messages about your life to an unattached friend who has feelings for you.
4. Dressing up like you’re “on the make.”
This goes for both men and women. Certain ways of wearing clothes can send out signals to others that you’re available. Don’t be that person.
5. Getting an online boyfriend or girlfriend.
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In addition to taking away from your marriage, this can also pose a potential physical risk. Just don’t do it.
6. Having an office boyfriend or girlfriend.
Such relationships can pose a huge threat to marriages. People at work are often at their best…well-dressed, humorous, intelligent. Just remember that their behavior at home may not necessarily be the same. It’s not worth risking your marriage for this fantasy.
7. Becoming addicted to online porn.
This is a really common modern predicament, as highlighted in the film Don Jon. Constantly watching porn causes one to disassociate from the real world, often leaving a spouse to feel neglected and abandoned. It won’t be long before they’re looking outside of the marriage for some TLC, but for them it will be in real life.
8. Flirting too much.
All people can enjoy some flirting from time to time, but you have to realize when it’s gone too far.
9. Constantly prioritizing everything else above your spouse.
Whether it’s a constant stream of boys’/girls’ nights out, or an addiction to Real Housewives or football, you have to realize when it’s time to put down the martini or the remote control.
10. Not being physically connected with your partner.
To be faithful means that you are being considerate of your partner’s needs. Closeness is a very important part of a marriage, so don’t leave it by the wayside.