The Fat Flush 2 Week Diet!
Diet includes: •Daily lean protein (8 oz) try fish and eggs, no red meat. • Eat more plant based foods (whole grains, veggies, fruits) which
The Positive Side of Medicine
Diet includes: •Daily lean protein (8 oz) try fish and eggs, no red meat. • Eat more plant based foods (whole grains, veggies, fruits) which
That moment when your alarm goes on… (ahh Im so warm and cozy in bed: might as well snooze? snooze, snooze, 5 more minutes. Uh
One of the prime differences between smoking combustible cigarettes and vaping is the ability to select from different e-juice nicotine levels. Most e-juice companies let
Signs you might have an eating disorder and you’re not aware of it The healthy food is full of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber that
“Every woman needs a man that will ruin their lipstick and not their mascara.”
You can trick your body into burning calories more efficiently, here are some ways you can revive and boost your metabolism. Never skip breakfast!Your metabolism
The Positive Side of Medicine