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After Watching this You will Never Look at Pizza Boxes The Same Way

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After Watching this You will Never Look at Pizza Boxes The Same Way

After Watching this You will Never Look at Pizza Boxes The Same Way

After Watching this You will Never Look at Pizza Boxes The Same Way

The pizza box. The famed square box that stores the stuff of dreams. When it comes to food packaging, there is nothing quite iconic as the pizza box – and regardless of what company delivered the box – everyone from the college student to the dog knows what’s inside the second they see it. The only downside to this marvelous wonder is that it always is a hassle to deal with afterwards. It never quite fits just right in the refrigerator, and to throw it away takes some serious kung-fu chops to break it down! Not any more! This new pizza box is not only environmentally conscience, but is also the first user friendly package for the food we love so much.

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