
The Positive Side of Medicine

This 1 Weird Trick Will Give You Huge Breasts Instantly

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This 1 Weird Trick Will Give You Huge Breasts Instantly


This 1 Weird Trick Will Give You Huge Breasts Instantly

This 1 Weird Trick Will Give You Huge Boobs Instantly

How would you like to have bigger and fuller breasts without going under the knife? Some refer to this procedure as the lunchtime lift!

It’s a quick cosmetic procedure to help women get a temporary boost without going under the knife.

More and more women are having this procedure done to look good for a special event, anniversary, romantic getaway, or simply to look good in a new dress that they bought for a night on the town.

The new insta-breast is a 20 minute out-patient procedure, in which the Dr. injects saline solution into the breasts, transforming them up to 2 cup sizes larger than their actual size. The catch is that they only last 24 hours and cost around $2500!

This is becoming popular among celebrities and wealthy people for events and vacations.

Of course there is always risk any time you make a break in the skin, whether it’s a needle or a scalpel there are risks of infection, but that’s not stopping many from going ahead with this procedure.

In the words of someone who recently had the procedure done, “I would definitely do it again and was grateful for the extra boost of confidence.”

There are still some questions and concerns about the long-term side effects other than stretching out the skin.


Edited 9/6/14 SCD

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