How To Peel A Head Of Garlic In Less Than 20 Seconds

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How To Peel A Head Of Garlic In Less Than 20 Seconds

Garlic has a great reputation of being a health booster, it strengthens the immune system as well as helps fight infections, coughs and congestion. Garlic is also a good source of vitamin C and B6.

With all these amazing health benefits we really should try to to incorporated this amazing super food in our daily diet.

Garlic is an excellent herb for creating and maintaining overall health, and also has many lesser known, but powerful qualities that many people ignore, for instance, it is a naturally powerful antibiotic, therefore its effective against toxic bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Garlic is one of the most popular healthy herbs around today, it helps reduce platelet stickiness or aggregation to help reduce blood coagulation, and promote heart health.
The antioxidant properties of garlic help scavenge harmful free radicals, which can damage LDL “bad” cholesterol in the blood stream.
Garlic also promotes increased bile production to help reduce levels of fat in the liver, and it adds a characteristic taste and aroma to countless dishes.
If the tip of your garlic cloves sport green sprouts, cut the clove in half and remove the sprout before preparing the garlic.

Health Benefits of Garlic:

Garlic is an anti-cancer food
Healthy Cholesterol Levels
Prevents Atherosclerosis
Blood Pressuregarlic benefits and uses
Relieves Oxidative stress
Promotes Circulatory health
Stabilizing Blood sugar
Promotes Immunity
Helps Prevent Yeast/Candida Infections
Protects From Infection from Burns
Helps Absorption of Minerals
Reduces Fatty liver
Liver Cleanse
Natural Antibiotic
Protects from Osteoarthritis
Improves Iron Metabolism
Improves Babies Weight
Removes Poison from Insect Bites
Protects against Metal poisoning
Relief from Herpes
Helps Combat Allergies
Relieves Sinusitis
Reduces Snoring
Toothache Remedy
Resolves Gingivitis
Prevents Cataracts
Remedy for Sty
Backache Relief
Helps Prevent Tuberculosis
Cough Remedy
Effective for Food poisoning
Asthma Remedy
Prevents Bladder infection
Great Mosquito repellent

This extremely clever trick shown in the video above will show you how to peel an entire head of Garlic in less than 20 seconds!!!

How to peel garlic


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