Why You Need To Switch To Organic Skincare

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Why You Need To Switch To Organic Skincare

Why You Need To Switch To Organic Skincare

When I was young, broke and didn’t know any better, I’d smother the cheapest store-bought skin care products on my face, never thinking for a split second about what was actually IN them. Nice packaging? Great commercial? They were probably good enough.

Growing up during the height of a processed food nation, it would take a rare mind to stop and think, “Hmm … what’s in this stuff?” Should I actually read the label? And even if I do, do I know what these ingredients are, let alone how to pronounce them?

In other words, I stayed uneducated and oblivious, taking things as they were — until, as an adult, my health became compromised on numerous levels. You name it. I suffered from it.

But once I started learning the real deal about health, I had to go into complete overhaul. Let’s face it, you can’t just change one or two little habits and think your life will transform.

I was waking up. I was making a conscious effort to take my health seriously. I had one body, one life, and I was ready to take control.

That meant I needed to make quality and conscious decisions about not only what I was going to eat, who I was going to spend time with, what products I was going to clean my house with, and for gawd’s sake, what I was going to put on my skin. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and absorbs more than 80% of what we put on it. So if you’re putting toxins on it, you’re making yourself toxic! EEEK!

Going organic is not just a fad. It’s not something you subscribe to because you want to appear and look ‘cool.’

Why You Need To Switch To Organic Skincare

Organic means safe, and that’s the bottom line.

I choose to switch to a gluten-free, vegan, 100% organic, non-GMO skin care line. You can bet once I was in the know, there was no way anything toxic was going to enter this body of mine!

You can nourish your skin, fight the signs of aging, and glow by doing the same. If you’re on the fence, try it for yourself. I know you’ll become a believer too.

Treat yourself to the best skincare out there. You’re worth every penny.

You have a choice. Are you going to treat yourself to the most natural, organic skin care out there and do your body right? I’d love to hear from you, so please leave your comments in the box below.


Hayley Hobson

 hayley-hobsonHayley Hobson is an author, speaker, business coach, yogi, Pilates and holistic nutritional expert based in Boulder, CO. Hayley creates lifestyle transformations by coaching her clients to strengthen, nourish and evolve through the cycles and shifts in life. Combining cutting edge understanding in all three disciplines due to years of anatomical study and dietary theory, Hayley’s approach leverages their blended benefits and results. Her unique and intelligent style promotes strengthening while softening–empowering her client’s to heal not only their physical bodies, but their hearts and minds as well. Hayley studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, continues her studies with David Wolfe, raw food expert and is an essential oil expert in her own right. She is a doTERRA Certified Pure Essential Oil Diamond Director and a Pangea Beauty Ecologist. Her insights and articles can also be found on her blogElephant Journaland Islaorganics. She has also been featured in Pilates Stylemagazine, Natural Health magazine and Triathlete Magazine. She has fun running and playing in the mountains with her husband, former world-ranked triathlete, Wes Hobson and their two beautiful daughters, Makenna and Madeline . To learn more about her nutritional courses, events she’s hosting and custom programs go tohayleyhobson.com or follow her on Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest.

Source: http://www.mindbodygreen.com

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