
The Positive Side of Medicine

How To Detox Your Entire Life

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How To Detox Your Entire Life

Being holistic is a lifestyle. It’s not just about eating organic food and being a yogi. It’s about looking at your whole life, from your food to your career to your home to your relationships and removing what’s toxic from it. And it takes time to change your mindset from what’s easy to what’s right.

My husband was not on board with the changes I was making, at all. He just didn’t want to deal with the work or spending the extra money on expensive all-natural products. If I didn’t do the shopping, we wound up with Windex and Pepto Bismol. At first, I fought him on it. Then I just started throwing things out, and wasting money, and he hated that way more.

When he saw the results of me being happier, healthier, and saw what this could mean for our kids, he was willing to experiment himself. The other day, I came home to a bottle of generic Lysol on the counter and I gave him this look. He explained that it was actually a natural brand, but he didn’t want to just throw out the old bottle. He had recycled an old bottle! I was so proud.

For myself, I believed in living holistically because I have to. I have so many health issues and there was such a build up of toxicity and inflammation in my system, between my type A personality, my parents and stress. I had to educate myself to change all these products and my life has been so much better since.

How To Detox Your Entire Life

There are so many things you can do to create a healthy, holistic life. The key is to eliminate what’s toxic and create alternatives. These were the first four baby steps I took:

1. Don’t buy chemical products.

I stopped buying all the cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals. Even chain grocery stores now offer several lines of eco-friendly cleaning products and they’re no more expensive than the name brands. Better still, search the internet for how to make cleaning products at home. Did you know that vinegar and salt will unclog a drain?

2. Don’t buy drugstore remedies and cosmetics.

Most drugstore “remedies” only mask your ailment symptoms, they don’t cure the ailment. Essential oils and fresh herbs will get rid of a headache, nausea itchy skin, and rash. All those cosmetic colors in your purse are a result of chemicals mixed together, and many have been tested on animals for your safety. Antiperspirants and moisturizers also contain pore-clogging chemicals that will build up in your system over time. There are healthy, natural products out there for all this.

3. Mute and unfriend.

You can’t let people drain your energy. Sucking energy out of people is one of the most toxic things in our life. We all have toxic people in our lives. I’m not saying you have to end your relationships with them, but you don’t have to engage them either. You can’t expect the world to change for you. You have to change how you’re interacting with the world. Don’t let toxic relationships disrupt your life.

4. Don’t buy grocery produce.

Search the internet for nearby farmer’s markets and co-ops. Going to the farmer’s market can be a fun family activity. If you don’t have time for that, co-ops are a great alternative. Both of these options support your holistic lifestyle and your local growers.

Adopting a holistic lifestyle doesn’t require instant, overnight changes. You don’t have to go purge your cabinets and refrigerator of everything you’ve already bought. Replace the toxic with the non-toxic alternatives as you run out of what you already have. Adjust how you respond to toxic people. One day, you’ll wake up and realize how much better you feel.

Those are my four, really basic tips on how to become more holistic. What have you changed to create a holistic lifestyle for yourself?

 hayley-hobsonHayley Hobson is an author, speaker, business coach, yogi, Pilates and holistic nutritional expert based in Boulder, CO. Hayley creates lifestyle transformations by coaching her clients to strengthen, nourish and evolve through the cycles and shifts in life. Combining cutting edge understanding in all three disciplines due to years of anatomical study and dietary theory, Hayley’s approach leverages their blended benefits and results. Her unique and intelligent style promotes strengthening while softening–empowering her client’s to heal not only their physical bodies, but their hearts and minds as well. Hayley studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, continues her studies with David Wolfe, raw food expert and is an essential oil expert in her own right. She is a doTERRA Certified Pure Essential Oil Diamond Director and a Pangea Beauty Ecologist. Her insights and articles can also be found on her blogElephant Journal and Islaorganics. She has also been featured in Pilates Style magazine, Natural Health magazine and Triathlete Magazine. She has fun running and playing in the mountains with her husband, former world-ranked triathlete, Wes Hobson and their two beautiful daughters, Makenna and Madeline . To learn more about her nutritional courses, events she’s hosting and custom programs go to hayleyhobson.com or follow her on Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest.

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