
The Positive Side of Medicine

Hula Hooping Yourself Slim

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Hula Hooping Yourself Slim

Hula Hooping Yourself Slim

Hula hooping is a very fun yet extremely effective exercise. If you get tired of doing the same thing at the gym and want to change it up a bit
you can start by incorporating this fun low-impact cardiovascular exercise in your daily workout.

Hula Hooping Yourself Slim

This exercise requires coordination and helps with flexibility; by engaging your entire mid section and the repetitive back-and-forth swinging motion, its strengthens your core while burning a significant amount of calories.

So why not give it a try? I tried it out and after a few failed attempts and once I got the hang of it; I have to admit that I had a blast! I didn’t even realize I was exercising; it was so much fun and it didn’t feel like exercise at all!

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