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10 Unusual Uses for Mayonnaise

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10 Unusual Uses for Mayonnaise

10 Unusual Uses for Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is a remarkable condiment used by almost every fast food chain. Here are some interesting facts about mayonnaise you may not know.

1. Gum remover

Mayonnaise can be used to remove gum stuck to floors, tables, and furniture. Just apply a dab to the gum and it will automatically come out without leaving any residual.

2. Conditioner

Mayonnaise can also be used as conditioner. Follow the instructions on the back of your conditioner bottle using mayonnaise instead. It will leave you with shiny, soft, healthy hair.

3. Lice killer

Mayonnaise can be used as lice killer. Generally lice killers are made of harmful chemicals that can damage your hair and eyes if they come in contact. Using mayo for killing lice is a more natural way of eradicating lice.

4. Manicure

Put your fingernails in a bowl of mayonnaise for five minutes then wash with water. It will help you get rid of hangnails.

unusual uses for mayonnaise

5. Exfoliate yourself

Mayonnaise can be used for exfoliating. Place a bowl of mayonnaise in the microwave until at room temperature. Apply to your face and leave for about 15 minutes. Remove it with an upward motion. Repeat this weekly for best results.

6. Derivation of name

There are many stories of how mayonnaise came into being and got its name, some believe its from the French word “moyeu” which means egg yolk, a prime ingredient of mayonnaise.

7. Tar removal

Mayonnaise can be used for removing tar and tree sap from cars. Apply some mayo on the tar and sap deposits on your car’s surface and wait for some time. Use a damp cloth to rub the mayonnaise off your car’s surface.

8. Sunburn

Tired of sunburns on your body? Mayonnaise can be the wonder product for you, apply some mayonnaise on your sunburn and leave for some time. It will ease pain and cool the burn.

9. Crayon art removal

If you have children who like to exhibit their art on the walls of your house, let them do it without worrying about the walls. Mayonnaise is a great crayon art remover. Rub over the marks with mayo then rub it off to watch it vanish away.

10. Cleaning

Mayonnaise is used for cleaning piano keys and plant leaves. Using mayo for cleaning gives leaves a professional cleanse without spending much.

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