15 Ways to Burn Off your Favorite Fast Food

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15 Ways to Burn Off your Favorite Fast Food

15 Ways to Burn Off your Favorite Fast Food
By PositiveMed-Team
Edited By: Stephanie Dawson

1. Add a probiotic to your diet

Yogurt, kefir, tempeh, miso, coconut water, and kombucha are the types of probiotic food which should be added to your diet as these foods are filled with bacteria needed for digestion, they are effective in burning the calories you gain from fast food.

2. Begin adding soluble and insoluble fiber to your diet

Food like beans, seeds, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables should form 75% of your diet. This will help digest food and burn calories as well.

3. Take your gossip session on a walk

Walk as much as possible to burn calories. You may opt for a walk while talking on the phone or a reunion on the move is a good idea instead of catching up with friends over food and drinks.

4. Make time for cardio

Aerobic exercise is the most effective way of burning calories, if this is continued regularly over a period of time it can be very effective.

5. Drink plenty of water

In order to increase your efficiency to digest food, drink plenty of water with a combination of high fiber meals. The intake of water should be more for those who exercise regularly.

6. Drink water on an empty stomach

Drinking water on an empty stomach can accelerate your metabolism which helps you lose many calories. This is often advised to people who are keen on weight management.

7. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day

Exercising regularly will ensure that any excess calories or weight that you gain by having fast food is burned off.

15 Ways to Burn Off your Favorite Fast Food

8. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

If you find it difficult to avoid your favorite fast foods even knowing you will gain calories and weight, try to avoid cigarettes and alcohol which would help your cause.

9. Reduce stress

Weight gain, constipation, diarrhea, and a lowered immune system can be caused by stress. Practice stress relievers like meditation, tai chi, or yoga.

10. Keep track of your digestive habits

You can keep a journal of your favorite foods and how they affect your body. If you find any particular type of fast food affecting your body adversely, try to give that up.

11. Swimming

Swimming for 30-60 minutes daily can be very effective for someone who is looking to burn calories. It also improves heart health.

12. Indulge yourself in sports

If you find exercise boring you may want to indulge yourself in sports activities that require physical activity, burning off extra calories.

13. Chill out

Calories are burned by shivering, spending more time outside when its cold should help as well.

14. Drink Caffeinated Green or Black tea

Caffeine causes metabolic changes in the body which results in more calories being burned.

15. Don’t skip breakfast

Many think that skipping breakfast helps them lose weight. This is not true, eating a healthy breakfast helps lose calories and is key to weight management.

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