10 Early Signs that May Indicate Alzheimer’s Disease

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10 Early Signs that May Indicate Alzheimer's Disease

By Nima Shei MD

Early detection is the key in Alzheimer’s Disease. If you know anyone with one or more of these signs you need to consult with a doctor, since alzheimer’s often start with very small and undetectable changes. Alzheimer’s can start in early 50s which you don’t really expect. Early detection can help to have better treatment options and prolong the life of your loved ones suffering from this disease:

1- Memory Loss
2- Trouble With Familiar Tasks
3- Time and Location Confusion
4- Changes in Personality
5- Difficulty in Solving Problems
6- Confusion in Images and Spaces
7- Trouble With Words
8- Poor Judgement
9- Reduced Social Activities
10- Misplacing Items

This video also explains Alzheimer’s and its early signs. As mentioned earlier, if you see these signs/symptoms in a loved one, consult with a healthcare professional. Having a future care plan certainly eases the patient’s difficulties in future.

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