Gingko Biloba: It Can Change Your Life
By: Andres Carvajal
Edited By: Stephanie Dawson
Gingko Biloba is one of the most ancient trees on the earth. Originally from Chinese traditional medicine, it now can be found all over the world due to its botanical plasticity.
It is also one of the most studied plants due to its medicinal properties. It contains two kind of antioxidants: flavonoids and terpenoids. Various studies have shown Gingko effective in treating blood circulation problems and improving memory and concentration.
The antioxidant effect that is responsible for the neuro-protective and anti-aging properties of this plant has some researchers saying this plant could be effective for preventing or treating dementia-related conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. It may improve academic and professional performance through the memory enhancement properties of this plant.
The active principles of gingko biloba are found in the leaves, which are collected in autumn.
Possible Benefits of Gingko Biloba
• It has a vasodilatation effect, or increases blood flow, which may assist in the prevention of heart disease and stroke
• Antioxidant and neuro-protective, it may prevent dementia disorders and aid in the anti-aging process
• It has been known to increase the level of glucose and ATP energy, good for athletic performances
• It has been helpful in the treatment of swelling of the brain.
• Oral supplements of gingko have antioxidant properties for muscular relaxation and improved circulation
• It increases energy
• Can help with depression and anxiety
Ways of Taking Gingko Biloba
There are several ways to consume the leaves of this spectacular tree, generally it is consumed in extract, tablets or infusions can be used for the benefits mentioned. As the fruit and seeds are poisonous, they should be not consumed.
Recommended Uses
Gingko biloba is not recommended for children nor pregnant women. It is not recommended for people with epilepsy, as there’s a chance it can increase seizures. The effects for adults can be seen within 4 to 6 weeks, with doses around 70 mg per day and less than 120mg per day to avoid GI difficulties. For healthy adults, doses of up to 600 g in three doses a day can be useful for activities that require concentration or during an exam period.
Side-effects of Gingko Biloba
The supplements are usually well-tolerated with possible secondary effects such as stomachaches, dizziness, migraines, or allergic reactions. These side effects are not common. You should stop taking gingko biloba if you have any of these, or any other side effects. Consult your doctor before taking this, or any other medications.
Alonso, Jorge Rubén. El rol del Ginkgo bilobaen la prevención de los trastornos de memoria, déficits cognitivos, arterioesclerosis y enfermedad de Alzhéimer;
MEDLINE PLUS. Ginkgo. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version