5 Best Workouts You Can Do in Front of Your Television

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5 Best Workouts You Can Do in Front of Your Television

5 Best Workouts You Can Do in Front of Your Television
By Positivemed-Team
Edited By: Stephanie Dawson

If watching TV is something you spend a lot of time doing, you can try these 5 ways to exercise while watching TV:

Fidget while you watch TV
Science has shown that fidgeting while sitting down can burn up to 350 calories an hour. If your body is in motion, then it is burning calories. Keep fidgeting while watching TV. You can also dance with your baby with some music on.

The Wooden Leg
This exercise is easy to do while sitting in your chair and helps to strengthen your lower body. While sitting on your chair extend one leg out straight in front of you and hold for two seconds. Then raise it up as high as you can and hold again for two seconds. Repeat with each leg 15 times.

5 Best Workouts You Can Do in Front of Your Television

Move your Exercise Equipment in front of Your TV
If you have treadmill or stepper and its stuck in the corner as a clothing hanger simply place it in front of your TV and you can walk while your favorite shows are on. This way you can enjoy your show while caring for your health.

If you are a beginner you should start during commercial breaks. Once you become more adept at exercising you can see how many you can do during a half hour show or hour long show.

March On The Spot
Marching is a great exercise for your thighs and buttocks. Bring your knees up high and do as many as you can. Doing it on the spot will help you burn calories and watching TV will keep it interesting.

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