5 Advances With The Doctor Patient Relationship

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5 Advances With The Doctor Patient Relationship

By Lauren Hill
Guest Writer

5 Advances With The Doctor Patient Relationship

The medical world has evolved a lot with the advances of the 21st century. Much has changed including new technologies, better communication, and innovative treatment options. A lot of these advances have changed how the doctor and the patient interact. In the past, patients visited their doctor and had little choice but to listen to what he or she had to say. Today, however, this relationship is evolving. Learn more about this new relationship that is better for both parties and these 5 advances that have been made.

1 – Patients Have Input

With the new doctor patient relationship, patients have input in the type of care they receive. Doctors are experts on the outcomes and probable side effects. However, patients are experts on what they prefer. For example, a replacement surgery might be a no-brainer from a doctor’s standpoint. On the other hand, apatient may feel that the procedure could ruin his athletic ability. Since medicine has advanced to provide patients with options, they often have more input than they did several years ago. For the best relationship with their physician, they should be clear to discuss their priorities. Otherwise they will be identified as difficult patients that the doctors will not want to help.

doctor patient advance technologies

2 – A Whole Team Will Help One Patient

Another advancement that has taken place in medicine is that most people receive a team of people helping them rather than one doctor. Usually this team is made up of nurses, doctors, nutritionists, pharmacists, social workers, and more. This allows patients to receive the best care from experts in all areas. It also frees doctors from responsibilities in areas that they do not have time or knowledge to be most helpful.

3 – You Will Spend More Time On The Internet With Your Doctor

In addition, it is likely that you and your doctor will begin to spend more time on the Internet. When used properly, the web is a great resource to help patients understand the health problems they are suffering from. Doctors may also begin to schedule e-visits. This allows them to reach more people and eliminates much of the hassle involved with office visits. However, it does require patients to provide medical information over the Internet.

4 – Better Facilities Will Be Designed

Furthermore, plans for better facilities are already in the process to benefit the relationship between patients and doctors. Many of the newer facilities have private rooms, Internet access, and 24-hour visiting hours. Some even have the technology to talk with the doctor through video conferencing. These videos can usually be recorded so the patients can review them later.

new health technologies

5 – Better Health For Patients

Finally, the goal for doctors is to increase the health of their patients. The efforts being made to enhance the relationship between the doctor and patient have added to the health of patients around the globe. When patients feel comfortable with their doctor, they have an easier time discussing medical problems and finding solutions to help them establish a healthy lifestyle for the future.
If you do not have a good relationship with your doctor, it is important to begin to establish one. A healthy relationship between the doctor and their patients is the foundation of good health, and it is important for every individual.

Lauren Hill is a contributing author for American Academy of Private Physicians (AAPP), a non-profit organization supporting the growth of concierge and other forms of personalized medical care.

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