4 Exercises Every Woman Should Be Doing

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4 Exercises Every Woman Should Be Doing

4 Exercises Every Woman Should Be Doing
By Positivemed-Team
Edited By: Stephanie Dawson

1. The Overhead Squat:

The overhead squad is good overall, especially for the lower body. It engages the entire core and shoulder complex. It is considered perfect for targeting quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, intrinsic core stabilizers, and shoulders.


2. The push-up:

The push-up is one of the best exercises that women can do. If you are a beginner, then you can initiate it with knees and then gradually you can come up to a plank. It strengthens chest, core, and back.

4 Exercises Every Woman Should Be Doing 1

3. Quadriceps: Offset Dumbbell Lunge:

Carrying and holding a weight on just one side of your body increases the demand placed on your core to keep your body stable. This causes your hips and abs to work harder and you will burn more calories. It will also improve your balance.

4 Exercises Every Woman Should Be Doing

4. Bicycle crunches:

After a lot of research, experts have decreed crunches are one of the most effective exercises for the abdomen. Adding some simple elements can make them even better. The bicycle crunch is considered to be very beneficial. It helps to work the abdominals, obliques, and hips. Aim for 1-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

4 Exercises Every Woman Should Be Doing

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