1. My capacity to handle stress
When we are stuck in a bad situation, stress automatically builds up. So when we get out of a bad situation, it tells us about our stress-handling capacity.
2. My Personal strengths
Going through a bad situation requires a person to be strong. These undesirable situations make us aware of our strengths and weaknesses. According to a research conducted by Cambridge University, people displayed stronger behavior after managing difficult situations assigned to them.
3. Boosting my decision making
When we are stuck in difficult situations, we have to make the best decisions. So dealing with these situations enhances our decision making capability and makes us a better judge of our surrounding environment.
4. Choosing the right people
A bad situation is an amazing teacher, and it clarifies who our true friends are. It is very important to differentiate between our real friends and those who pretend to be our friends.
5. Experience
Learning some experience out of every awful situation is very important. These situations generally give us experiences that remain with us for the lifetime and help us to avoid getting into such situations in future.
6. Made me more efficient
Hard situations make us more organised and help us in managing things in a more efficient way.
7. Taught me patience
Sometimes when you are going through tough times, the only option that we have is just to wait for the right time to come, which requires a lot of patience.