Dangers of Using Cotton Swabs

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Dangers of Using Cotton Swabs

Dangers of Cotton Swabs
Edited By: Stephanie Dawson

Are you one of the countless people that take a cotton swab, jab it in the ear and twirl it around inside to remove earwax? Because I was, until I discovered it can actually cause some problems with just one use. Do you know that certain amount of the cotton breaks off? If it doesn’t pull out with the swab it’s likely to remain waiting for the next ear cleaning, leading to impacted earwax, which keeps sound from getting through and in some cases can cause hearing loss.

Dangers of cotton swabs

Cotton swabs can also be pushed too far inside the ear canal and this can cause ear damage possibly rupturing eardrums.

If you are looking for a safe way to clean your own ears, without a doctor visit or risking permanent damage, this is for you. There are many different ways to clear the unwanted earwax from your ears such as, ear drops you can buy in stores that can help with impacted earwax, also lying on your side and gently pouring warm water in the ear may help, and hydrogen peroxide mixed with water can also be used.


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