By PositiveMed Team- Costa Rica
Edited By Stephanie Dawson
Reviewed By Nima Shei MD
Last Updated: December 14th 2013
Nuts are full of healthy benefits, for starters they are a great source of protein, fiber, energy, and the good fats we need in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle, they also help reduce stress, promote heart health, and even speed up metabolism!
Benefits: they have protein, fiber and good monounsaturated fats, they provide lots of energy and help aid heart health. Great for disease prevention.
1 ounce contains:
6g protein, 14g fat.
Benefits: They have fatty acids, minerals and antioxidants that are essential for good health. They are loaded with omega-3’s that are essential for good heart health and also promote better brain function.
1 ounce contains:
4g protein, 18.5g fat.
Benefits: Their monounsaturated fats are good for the heart and high protein content is great for building infection-fighting antibodies. They also have a lot of fiber that help lower cholesterol and improve digestion. Great for proper brain function.
Opt for organic peanut butter instead of traditional.
1 ounce contains:
7g protein,14g fat.
Benefits: They contain nutrients that protect the heart too, like fiber, B and E vitamins and amino acids that help relax blood vessels. They also have one of the lowest saturated fat percentages.
1 ounce contains:
4g of protein, 18g fat.
Benefits: They are an excellent source of vitamin E and other antioxidants for good health. Also they are loaded with manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium, these are said to be the best nuts for men since the selenium helps protect against prostate cancer.
1 ounce contains:
2g protein, 20g of fat.
Benefits: they contain oleic acids that have amazing benefits for your heart health and they can also help reduce triglyceride level
1 ounce contains:
5g protein, 12g of fat.