Plastic Surgery, The Good and The Bad

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Plastic Surgery, The Good and The Bad

Plastic surgery, popularly known as going under the scalpel, is a medical specialty that fixes, corrects and restores an imperfection of a body part, through cosmetic or reconstructive surgery.

1. Cosmetic surgery: improves the aesthetic appearance of a person,

2. Reconstructive plastic surgery: is done so it can improve function.

3. Some of the most popular procedures done through plastic surgery:

-tummy tucks, breast augmentations, butt implants, abdominoplasty, liposuction, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty (nose job) labiaplasty,
ear surgery, chin augmentation, cheek lift, hair transplantation, collagen injection, etc.

Some facts:
– -in 2011, 3,828,726 people recurred to plastic surgery

women: breasts, nose, eyelid, stomach, butt cheeks implants.
Men: nose, eyelid, lipo, breasts reduction, face
– money spent in America for plastic surgery in 2011+= $10.4 billion
– South Korea has the highest worldwide per capita rate of plastic surgery.
– Many plastic surgeries in the early Renaissance were performed in barber shops
– World record: Cindy Jackson, 52 cosmetic surgeries (photo bellow shows Cindy’s before and after plastic surgery results)


Side effects of plastic surgery:

-blood clots: the respiratory system may be blocked by Anesthesia there’s a chance of an allergic reaction to the chemicals used during the surgery. Also blood clots happen when a body part is left immobile for it to heal after the surgery.

-Bleeding and Bruising: the procedure may cause serious bleeding and bruising. bruising and swelling happens immediately after plastic surgery.

-Nerve Damage: most common in breast augmentation surgeries, it causes numbness at the incision site after the surgery.

Plastic Surgery, The Good and The Bad

-Vomiting and Nausea: happens as an after effect of the Anesthesia.

– infections: open areas of skin are open after plastic surgery, serious and bad infection is possible to occur.

-heart attacks
-scars: depending on the patient’s genetic factors, some people are more likely to have a bad scar result.

Worst cases of plastic surgery:
Jocelyn Wildenstein:
– spent $4 million in plastic surgery
– known as the “cat-woman”


Good and natural plastic surgery results
-Ashlee Simpson, Rhinoplasty.


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