5 Natural Ways to Slow Down The Aging Process

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5 Natural Ways to Slow Down The Aging Process

-Eat a well-balanced diet
-consume good fatty acids: salmon, avocado.
-drink lots of water
-consume plenty antioxidants: Vitamin A and C: carrots, squash, spinach and collard greens, citrus foods.
-Eat foods high in protein: fish, turkey, egg whites or tofu.


Skin starts to lose moisture, thin, and grow loose. It looks affected by sun, bad habits and other conditions. There are some natural skin care products that are made with no pesticides or hormones and they are full of anti oxidants that help your body remove all impurities, so your skin looks younger and healthier.

-Pomegranate seed oil: moisturizes the skin and also reduces inflammation of it and the appearance of fine wrinkles

-Exfoliate: this helps keep your skin looking young by dead skin cells and pushing newer ones to form


-Lavender: it is a natural relaxant, helps keep cortisol levels stable.
-Lemon juice or buttermilk: by applying pure lemon juice or buttermilk on age spots twice a day will help them lighten up.
-Green tea: loaded of polyphenols good for your skin.

5 Natural Ways to Slow Down The Aging Process


Sun damage will cause wrinkles, sun spots, and skin dehydration use the following to prevent this damage:
-Apply a mineral sunblock with a high SPF daily it is the number one preventative against aging.
-Wear hats and stay in the shade if you are overexposed to the sun avoid bad sun hours: 10a.m-3p.m and also tanning beds.


-Quit Smoking: this habit reduces the flow of blood to the skin. giving it a dull, discoloration, appearance to your skin it makes wrinkles show more especially around the mouth and eyes, and most important smoking makes your skin lose elasticity and tone
-Limit Alcohol: it makes your body dehydrated therefore your skin as well, it reduces the amount of nutrients that your skin absorbs and makes it look damaged and dry.

Book: FOOD CURES, readers digest, 2011
Book: NATURAL REMEDIES for HEALTHY LIVING, readers digest, 2011

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