7-Minute Total Exercise Routine

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7-Minute Total Exercise Routine

7-Minute Total Exercise Routine

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No matter where you are, get that body fit with this new and wonderful 7-minute workout. It requires no gym equipment whatsoever, therefore no excuses. All you need is in your house already, a chair, a wall and your own body weight.

This routine combines the best 10 exercises to burn calories and stay fit and strong, and you should do each for 30 seconds with a 10 second rest in between in order for the workout to be effective.

Remember to always keep your abdominal muscles contracted in every exercise and in every position as well.

7 minute routine workout

#1 Jumping Jacks
The first step is to stand up straight with your feet together and your arms at your side, then bend your knees slightly and follow this with a jump. In mid-jump, bring your legs out to the side about shoulder width or slightly wider. As you are moving your legs outward, you should raise your arms up over your head to elevate your heart rate.

#2 Wall Sit
Stand approximately 2 feet in front of a wall with your back facing it, and lean against the wall slowly and begin to slide down the wall until your knees are bent at 90 degree angles, as though you are sitting in a chair. Keep this position for a minimum of 20 seconds or a maximum of 60 seconds.

#3 Push-Up
This exercise is great for targeting your pectoral muscles, triceps, and anterior deltoids. Push-ups are performed by pushing your body up and down using your upper body and arm strength. To do a correct push-up, you must raise your body up onto your toes so you are balanced on your hands and toes. It is important to keep your body in a straight line from head to toe without sagging your torso or arching your back.

#4 Abdominal Crunch
Lie on the floor, facing up, with your knees bent, then curl your shoulders towards your pelvis. You can either place your hands beside your neck, resting gently behind your neck, or placed across your chest. To perform a proper crunch, your lower back must remain resting against the floor allowing your hip flexors to rest so all of the attention can be focused on your abdominal muscles.

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#5 Step-Up onto Chair
The step-up onto chair routine is super effective for your body. Not only does it work on your abdominal muscles, but it also builds lean muscle mass, boosts your metabolism and aids in weight control – Bonus!
Position a sturdy chair in front of you and stand with your feet about hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Next, step up onto the seat with one foot and press down while bringing your other foot up next to it. Step back with the leading foot and bring the trailing foot down beside it to finish one complete step-up.

RELATED ARTICLE: With These 9 Exercises Your Belly Fat Will Disappear in 2 Weeks

#6 Squat
To perform a proper squat, your feet should be flat on the ground, about shoulder-width apart and point your feet slightly facing outward, rather than straight ahead. Never let your knees extend beyond your toes, as this will increase the likelihood of damage to your knees. Keep your back straight and bend at your knees as if you were going to sit back in a chair, thrust your hips forward and pull in your abs whilst keeping your back only slightly arched. Slowly lower your body so that your legs are almost parallel to the floor.

#7 Triceps Dip On Chair
Sit on the chair with the palms of your hands on the edge, and then slowly slide your buttocks off the seat whilst supporting your weight with your hands. First, straighten your right leg and keep your left leg bent at a 90-degree angle keeping your elbows bent all the time, slowly lower your buttocks towards the floor. Push back up until your arms are straight.

7-Minute Total Exercise Routine

#8 Plank
This exercise is vital for building your core and arm strength.
Lie face down on the floor with your elbows resting on the floor and your arms in a 90-degree position. You then push down on the toes of your feet to extend your feet and push your body so it is off the ground and resting on your elbows and toes. Hold the position for as long as you can.

#9 High Knees Running In Place
Perform a typical running motion while lifting your knees high into the air. Ensure that your legs are at 90-degree angles when being lifted high into the air and point your toes forward in order to maintain the correct form and to really benefit from this simple exercise. This exercise is great for the muscles in your legs and hips, and can even improve your lower body flexibility.

#10 Lunge
Lunges are great for toning a number of different areas of your body, so they are a particularly useful exercise.
To perform a basic lunge, you must first begin by standing up straight with your shoulders back and relaxed and your chin up, step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Maintain the weight in your heels as you then push up to the starting position.

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