14 Strange Facts About Kissing!

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14 Strange Facts About Kissing!

[Last Updated On February 21st 2014]

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1. Open-mouth kissing allows for the transfer of hormones from a man to a woman, in other words mucus membranes in the mouth are permeable to hormones like testosterone, which a man can introduce into a woman’s mouth through kissing. Therefore testosterone increases arousal in the woman, leading to higher chances of love-making.

2. Kissing is good for what ails you. Research shows that the act of smooching improves our skin, helps circulation, prevents tooth decay, and can even relieve headaches.

old kissing

3. Kissing can become your new favorite exercise, a quick romantic kiss is said to help burn around 2 to 3 calories while a passionate kiss can burn 5 or more calories. The longer and more passionate the kiss, the more calories burned.

kissing calories

4. When it comes to our faces, kissing is the ultimate workout to keep our facial muscles strong. Our cheeks are kept tight and supple by the engagement of around 30 different muscles in our faces when kissing. Time to workout.

5. Men who kiss their partners before leaving for work average higher incomes than those who don’t.

14 Strange Facts About Kissing!

6. 65 pecrent of people tilt their head to the right when kissing.

7. The average person spends 336 hours of his or her life kissing.

8. While women use kissing to evaluate a partner’s potential for a relationship, men use kissing for a simpler purpose. Men are likely to use kissing as a means to increase the likelihood of love-making.
Nonetheless, that’s not to say that all kisses from a man are love-oriented.

where to kiss a man

9. Kissing has long been recognized as a good way for our bodies to pass along bugs that help build immunity. Once you’ve contracted a bug, your body then learns to strengthen itself despite showing symptoms of a cold or flu. Kissing merely helps expedite our immune system-boosting processes.

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10. Kissing creates feel-good chemicals in our bodies that help us feel relaxed.

kissing reduces anxiety

11. Public kissing is a crime in Indonesia punishable by five years in prison.

12. Like fingerprints or snowflakes, no two lip impressions are alike.

13. Kissing releases the same neurotransmitters in our brains as parachuting, bungee jumping, and running, its exciting.

14. Just one kiss with tongue can transmit up to 278 types of bacteria. Those of us with OCD tendencies should try to forget this next time we get anywhere near a pair of lips.

Why do we kiss?

We all kiss and most of us like to be kissed! But why? The science of kissing is still in its baby steps! To find the answer to this question, let’s take a look into the book The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us by Sheril Kirshenbaum:

“Scientists are not exactly sure why we kiss. This may be in part because they have not even definitively decided what a kiss is. Unlike most other areas of scientific investigation, there’s no accepted “taxonomy,” or classification system, for different kinds of kisses and closely related behaviors. What’s more, you don’t find the experts crunching the numbers and figures on kissing across world cultures, as researchers would surely do if they wanted to get a handle on the available data. Why so little analysis of osculation? Perhaps kissing seems so commonplace that few of us have paused to reflect on its deeper significance. Or it’s possible the subject has been intentionally avoided under the microscope given the challenges of interpreting what a kiss really means.


Because a kiss brings two individuals together in an exchange of sensory information by way of taste, smell, touch, and possibly even silent chemical messengers called pheromones (odorless airborne signals), it has the potential to provide all kinds of insight into another person. So even when our conscious minds may not recognize it, the act can reveal clues about a partner’s level of commitment and possibly his or her genetic suitability for producing children.”



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