
The Positive Side of Medicine

Mosquito Bite Remedies

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Mosquito bites can cause large irritated areas of swelling, soreness, and redness, this is itchy and disturbing. I’m not sure what’s in my blood but mosquitos love me, and there has not been one summer day that I haven’t been bitten by mosquitos. If there are 10 other people in a room, they can rest assured that they’ll be safe from mosquito bites, because all the mosquitos are busy biting me!

I was doing some research on homemade mosquito bite remedies and I found the following remedies very useful. Fortunately, mosquito bite remedies can be found everywhere, and they’re affordable and side-effect-free. Here are some natural remedies for relieving mosquito bites:

Naturally Relieve Mosquito Bites
Naturally Relieve Mosquito Bites

1. WATER AND MILK: This process will help heal the bite, prevent infection, and soothe the skin.

– The protein in milk helps soothe the skin. Do this treatment by soaking a towel in equal parts milk and water and apply it to the skin. It relieves itching, swelling, and inflammation.

– Then wash the affected area with soap and water. This will remove any irritating saliva that still remains on your skin.

2. ICE: It’s important to put ice on the bite immediately, as soon as you are bitten. Mosquito bites don’t usually hurt right away so you may not notice them for hours. Icing the area helps prevent future itching and swelling.

3. BASIL: Crush the basil and apply it directly to bites to relieve itching, it can be combined with colloidal oatmeal, baking soda, or Epsom salt in a bath, just soak in the tub to help control the itching.


4. VINEGAR: Due to its acidity it helps with itching, it might generate a burning sensation for the first several seconds, then you will have almost instant relief. Do this by putting a small amount on a cotton pad and wiping each individual bite.

5. TEA BAGS: Tea bags ease swelling and reduce puffiness on bites, they also act as an astringent and remove the extra fluid from the bitten area.

6. PEPPERMINT: It’s a great remedy for soothing because it has a cooling sensation, the cooling sensation prevents and blocks other sensations, like itching.

7. BANANA PEEL: Last but not least is my personal favorite mosquito bite remedy. This works beautifully for me, and I’ve talked with others who have used it, they are thrilled with it too. Rub the inside of a banana peel on the affected area for instant relief.

mosquito bite remedies


As a bonus here is a recipe for homemade mosquito repellent: Ingredients needed are lavender oil, vanilla extract, lemon juice, and a spray bottle. In your spray bottle place one-half cup lemon juice, add 15 drops of lavender essential oil and 3-4 tablespoons vanilla extract. Add 3 cups water to the spray bottle and mix it together by shaking the bottle. Spray it on your skin and you’ll not see any mosquitos near you for several hours.

mosquito repellent recipe

mosquito repellent

Mosquito Bite Remedies
[Last Updated on May 18th 2014]


Source 1Source 2Source 3Source 4

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