Top 10 Best-Paying Jobs for Women

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Top 10 Best-Paying Jobs for Women

In spite of the many years of fighting for equality, and although we have come a long way, women continue to earn less than men. Across the economy, women now earn 81 cents for every dollar earned by men, the following list names some of the best paid and most popular jobs among women.

Pharmacists are trained to not only fill prescriptions, but to understand exactly how medications affect the body, what side effects accompany certain drugs, and how drugs interact, among other things.

Women are still a minority in the judiciary, but they are getting there day by day.

Computer and Information Systems Managers

Computer and Information Systems Managers are in charge of the technology systems within an organization or company. In some cases, they may solely be responsible for the computers, hardware, software, and wireless networks.

Physicians and Surgeons

Going into medicine as a physician or surgeon certainly takes a long time and a lot of hard work, but it pays.

Chief Executives

While a CEO’s income is pretty dependent on the company they manage, we think we can agree that “CEO” is a pretty good paying job title, and also a work-your-way-up kind of gig.

Nurse Practitioners

You will find no other occupation on this list with as high a percentage of women.

Human Resources Managers

HR managers can be seen as the matchmakers of the business world. They find the right people for the right job, provide coaching and training. And well, let’s face it, women are usually perfect for the job.

The Best-Paying Jobs for Women


This job gives you a variety of options, the job descriptions of psychologists cover quite a range. Some psychologists are therapists, some are researchers, some are professors, and so on.

Computer Programmers

Believe it or not this job can give woman plenty of opportunities. The computer-related career world is definitely male dominated, that being a major reason for women to get their feet in the door.

Physical Therapists

Physical therapists have a wide range of choices when it comes to a specialty, from orthopedics to geriatrics to sports and more. If you’ve ever had a serious injury, you know just how important physical therapists are.


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