9 Foods That Help You Sleep Well

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9 Foods That Help You Sleep Well

Are you one of the 50 million Americans that have trouble falling asleep? Adding these foods to your diet may help to increase your odds of a successful slumber.

The health benefits of a good night’s rest are countless: it helps keep you happy, your brain sharp, your immune system strong, your waistline trim, your skin looking youthful and lowers your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

9 Foods That Help You Sleep Well

1. Fish
Most fish, especially salmon, halibut and tuna, boast vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone triggered by darkness.

2. Jasmine Rice
The greater amounts of insulin triggered by the high-glycemic-index meals increased the ratio of sleep-inducing tryptophan relative to other amino acids in the blood, allowing proportionately more to get into the brain.

3. Tart Cherry Juice
Melatonin-rich tart cherry juice has been shown to aid sleep. Drink a cup of tart cherry juice twice a day for relief of severe insomnia.

4. Yogurt
Dairy products boast healthy doses of calcium, helping to prevent being calcium-deficient, which can make it difficult to fall asleep.

5. Whole Grains
Whole grains are rich in magnesium and consuming too little magnesium may make it harder to stay asleep.

6. Kale
Green leafy vegetables boast healthy doses of calcium too.

7. Bananas
Bananas are well-known for being rich in potassium, they are also a good source of Vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin.

8. Chickpeas
Chickpeas boast vitamin B6 too, which is needed to make melatonin.

9. Fortified Cereals
Fortified cereals also boast vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin.

Sources :

Food cures, Reader;s Digest Assosiation, 2009

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