Detoxing is good for you at any time in life, but as you get older it will be particularly beneficial and will help you feel younger. There are many things that you can eat and drink that will positively aid the detoxification process and you should consume them as often as possible.
1. Apples: help excrete heavy metals and cholesterol and is cleansing to the liver and kidneys
2. Asparagus: superb detox food because of its diuretic effect, helps maintain healing bacteria in the intestines
3. Broccoli: like other members of the cabbage family it increases levels of glutathione, a key antioxidant that helps the liver expel toxins
4. Carrots: packed with beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant, also antibacterial and antifungal
5. Cranberry: antioxidant-rich, destroys harmful bacteria in the kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract
6. Fennel: has a strong diuretic action and helps the body eliminate fats
7. Garlic: powerful antioxidant that is also excellent at eliminating toxic microorganisms
8. Ginger: relieves abdominal bloating, nausea, and diarrhea, also helps stimulate digestive enzymes, aiding efficient digestion
9. Globe artichoke: purifies and protects the liver and has a diuretic effect on kidneys
10. Lemon: stimulates the release of enzymes, an essential part of the liver’s detoxification process
11. Olive oil: antioxidant; prevents cholesterol from being transformed into a harmful free radical
12. Onions: rich in the antioxidant quercetin, which protects against free radicals, onions enhance the activity of healthy intestinal flora and is antiviral
13. Parsley: diuretic and helps flush out kidneys, contains phytonutrients that support the liver and is rich in antioxidants
14. Quinoa: easily digested cleansing grain that is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals
15. Rice: brown rice cleans the intestines as it passes through and prevents constipation, anti- allergenic and helps stabilize blood-sugar levels
16. Salad greens: superb antioxidant and cleanser of the digestive tract
17. Seaweed: strong antioxidant, helps alkalinize the blood and strengthen the digestive tract
18. Tomatoes: rich source of the antioxidant lycopene, thought to prevent a variety of diseases
19. Watercress: purifies the blood and expels wastes from the body
20. Yogurt: yogurt with live cultures contains probiotics that can reduce intestinal inflammation and fungal infections and eliminate bad bacteria that damage the intestinal wall