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Is It Better To Be Book Smart Or Street Smart?

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Is It Better To Be Book Smart Or Street Smart?

Which one do you think is more important between EQ and IQ for the success or failure in life? It is important to define the difference between both.
IQ is based on a person’s knowledge, while EQ is a person’s ability to emotionally judge situations and/or fit into groups by managing their personal interactions.

In other words, EQ or Emotional Quotient is a measure of your ability to notice and then manage your interior and exterior perceptions of your feelings and then control your reactions.

Book Smart Vs. Street Smart

People with high EQ tend to have five qualities or competencies in common:

1. Optimism — ability to anticipate the best possible outcome of events or actions
2. Self-Awareness — knowledge of current emotional state, strengths and weaknesses
3. Empathy — understanding of others’ points of view and decision-making processes
4. Impulse Control — ability to mitigate an urge to act (as in: think first and act later)
5. Reality Testing — ability to see things as they are, not as we want them to be

IQ or Intelligence Quotient is a measure of intelligence. A way to rate this for any individual is by taking an IQ test. An IQ test measures different types of abilities: verbal, memory, mathematical, spatial, and reasoning.

Being aware of your EQ and developing it has the potential to make you more successful and happy at work, and in life
Unlike IQ, EQ can be learned and developed
It takes more than technical and analytical abilities (IQ) to make you successful; a good combination of EQ and IQ is the perfect recipe for success.

Which ‘Q’ Do You Need to Be Successful? The answer is both of them, look at the most successful people in the world and you will see that they exude a winning combination.

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