Did you know that in ancient times black pepper was so treasured it was used as money? Learn about the amazing health benefits of Black Pepper you may not know.
Salt and pepper typically go hand by hand when it comes to seasoning, this might also be because salt retains water, and meanwhile pepper acts the opposite, as a diuretic, encouraging our bodies to sweat and get rid of harmful toxins.
One of the amazing health benefits of Black Pepper is that it actually aids your digestion, and it sends signals to your stomach telling it to increase its production of hydrochloric acid which helps avoid indigestion.
Black pepper stimulates the taste buds, helping to regain appetite in many cases, such as anorexia, and it also helps break up congestion, so it is a great idea to add it to a nice hot cup of tea twice per day.
Black pepper promotes healing and kills germs, its the perfect remedy when you cut yourself, since it stops bleeding and has potential antibacterial properties.