
The Positive Side of Medicine

8 Foods That Fight Fatigue

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8 Foods That Fight Fatigue

Snack on perfectly portable, fatigue-fighting foods, like whole grain crackers, walnuts, dark chocolate, and watermelon as a stay-awake strategy. But there are a lot of different foods that could help you.

fight fatigue

  • Pumpkin seeds: People with magnesium deficiencies required more oxygen uptake during physical activity, used more energy, and therefore tired more easily


  • Probiotics: Imbalance in microorganisms in the digestive tract is partially to blame for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; probiotics are the “good bacteria” that aids digestive health
  • Cereals rich in Fiber: Fiber can help fight fat, and can also help you feel more awake
  • Complex carbohydrates: Complex carbs, such as whole grain crackers or a bowl of oatmeal, are essential to boosting energy, they are digested and released slowly by the body, keeping your blood sugar stable
  • Omega3 fatty acids: Alpha-linoleic acid, the omega-3 fatty acid found in walnuts, may help relieve depression symptoms, which commonly contribute to CFS
  • Polyphenols: Found in dark chocolate, which increases the level of happiness-boosting brain chemical serotonin and thus reduce feelings of fatigue


  • Water: Fatigue can be caused due to dehydration, the fix as easy as enjoying a delicious slice of summer fruit


  • Vitamin C: More than a cold fighter, the antioxidant also helps reduce oxidative stress, the result of too many free radicals in the body, another contributor to CFS

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Dwayne Godwin is a neuroscientist at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Jorge Cham draws the comic strip Piled Higher and Deeper at www.phdcomics.com.

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