
The Positive Side of Medicine

DIY: Refreshing Mint Face Mask

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DIY: Refreshing Mint Face Mask

Did you know mint leaves have amazing benefits not only for your inner health but also on the outside? They are great topically applied on the skin, they clean up pores and acne and also help prevent dryness of skin.
Also, since the mint is so strong it gives a refreshing and enjoyable feeling to the face, the leaves add an interesting element to any usual homemade mask.
In fact, there is no specific recipe for this, since you can add mint leaves to any face mask you have already been using, I frequently mix two tablespoons of yogurt with 1 tablespoon of oat or mungbean flour, I cut the mint into small bits and added them into the yogurt mixture.

DIY- Refreshing Mint Face Mask

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