
The Positive Side of Medicine

Vegan Strawberry Fudgesicles

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Vegan Strawberry Fudgesicles

Vegan Strawberry FudgsiclesLooking for a healthy dessert recipe? Here is a perfect and simple idea that uses all healthy ingredients and combines the best flavors in one simple yet delicious sweet treat that won’t make you feel guilty at all.

All you need is:

8 ounces of soymilk chocolate
¼ cup of raw unsalted cashews
1 banana
8 strawberries, diced

Begin by placing all the ingredients, except the strawberries, in a blender and mix till smooth, fill ¾ of the Popsicle molds with the mixture and add one tablespoon of diced strawberries, fill it up with the remaining chocolate. Place the sticks in the molds and freeze for several hours or until completely frozen.

Vegan strawberry fudgsicles

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