Bye Bye Arm Jiggle ( A Quick 15-minute Arm Workout )

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Bye Bye Arm Jiggle ( A Quick 15-minute Arm Workout  )

Bye Bye Arm Jiggle

When you wave good-bye do your arms keep jiggling after you stop moving? Many of us like wearing strapless and tank-style tops, which expose the upper back, shoulders, upper chest, and arms, so you may be interested in the following exercises, that shape all those places, it takes no longer than 15 minutes. Do these arm exercises one after another with no rest in between. Repeat the circuit, resting a minute between circuits and you’ll see the results in no time at all! Tip: Start with a lower weight dumbbell, according to your fitness level. 2 pounds is enough for a beginner, 8 pounds for the very fit. Don’t increase the weight until you’ve mastered perfect form.

bye bye arm jiggle 1

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