
The Positive Side of Medicine

Natural Foods For Prostate Problems

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Natural Foods For Prostate Problems

natural remedies for prostate problems

Aging is a battle, men and women have some of the same issues, and some men handle alone. An enlarged prostate is one of those things that only men have to deal with. The symptoms of enlarged prostate, also known as BPH, range from frequent urination, pain with ejaculation, inability of bladder to empty, scrotal pain, and urinary dribbling.


Modern medicine has many medications to help with this, and your doctor can prescribe a treatment that’s right for you and your symptoms. There are also some natural helps that can work with your doctor’s advice for those who want to take control of their health and do everything possible.

Simple dietary changes can help reverse the growth of the prostate gland and help prevent prostate cancer:

enlarged pros saw

    • Pumpkin and watermelon seeds – these have natural diuretic properties. Eat the seeds right from the shell, unsalted, for a great healthy snack. When eating watermelon save 1/8 cup seeds, place in a pint jar and fill with boiling water, cool and strain, drink 1 pint a day for 10 days.

pumpkin seeds

  • Corn Silk – This has been used by Amish men for generations. Takes the silk from 6 ears of corn, boil in 1 quart water, cool and strain, drink 3 times a week.
  • Diet changes – adding Omega-3’s, soy products, and tomatoes can reduce your cancer risk by half because of lycopene, phytoestrogens, and of course, healthy Omega-3’s.
  • Add supplements – saw palmetto, red clover, African tree bark, and stinging nettle have shown great success in increasing urinary flow and reducing prostate symptoms, talk to your health care provider about amounts
  • Practice good health habits – drink enough water, watch your alcohol intake, limit red meat, and get enough exercise


Following these practices, making a few small changes, and seeing your doctor once a year should help keep everything flowing just as it’s supposed to!

Sources: http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/natural-medicine/home-remedies/home-remedies-for-prostate-problems1.htm


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