
The Positive Side of Medicine

Antiperspirant and Breast Cancer

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Antiperspirant and Breast Cancer

Do you know one of the leading causes of breast cancer is in the aluminum-based compound daily-used antiperspirant that temporarily plugs the sweat ducts and prevents you from perspiring?

This “innocent” product you may have been applying to your body every day, prevents the body from “purging toxins,” which, when trapped, find their way into the lymph nodes, where they concentrate and contribute to the cellular changes that lead to cancer and other health risks, since antiperspirants are covered with a deodorant with scents to hide the stink, which contains many inactive and chemical ingredients that are absorbed into the skin that interact with DNA and lead to cancerous changes in cells, especially when the skin is nicked during shaving.

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But thanks to the many investigations and information out there, there are many natural options you can choose at the grocery store, or any green or health food store. You can also make it yourself, which is cheaper and extremely easy, here is one easy idea:
Natural Deodorant Ingredients:

1/4 cup corn starch
1/4 cup baking soda
6 tablespoons organic coconut oil

Antiperspirants and Breast Cancer

Mix all three ingredients together in a bowl until the consistency is smooth without any crumbling, spoon out your natural deodorant mix into a jar and apply to underarms with fingertips daily.

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