(As Seen on) Dr.Oz Face Mask

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(As Seen on) Dr.Oz Face Mask

Dr.Oz Face Mask

Lemon Brandy Mask
If you are spending too much of your hard-earned money trying to fix your face with expensive pharmaceutical treatments, creams, or any other chemical products, this article is for you. There is no need to expose your face to chemicals and empty your wallet, all you need is probably in your kitchen and the best part, it’s 100% natural, inexpensive, and chemical-free!

Dr.Oz Face Mask ( lemon brandy )


• 1 cup milk
• 2 teaspoons lemon juice
• 1 Tablespoon brandy

Combine the ingredients, the acid of the lemon with the lactic acid of the milk combined with the alcohol in the brandy exfoliates and brightens your face, naturally reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You can have a drink of brandy to relax if you like while applying your homemade, natural delicious mask. Let it dry completely then rinse clean.

Dr.Oz Face Mask ( lemon brandy )



Edited 7/31/14 SCD

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