Benefits of Noni Juice

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Benefits of Noni Juice

Marinade citrifolia, better known as Noni, is a flowering shrub used in Polynesian medicine for constipation, diarrhea, skin inflammation, infections, and mouth sores. There are at least 10 essential vitamins, 7 dietary minerals, and 18 amino acids in noni juice. Here we list some of the many benefits of noni juice:


It’s packed with organic compounds like anthraquinones, which have a laxative effect and xeronine, one of the most important phytochemicals, which repairs damaged cells at a molecular level.
Noni juice is also beneficial for arthritis, atherosclerosis, bladder infections, boils, bowel conditions, burns, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, circulatory weakness, colds, cold sores, constipation, diabetes, drug addiction, eye inflammation, fever, fractures, gastric ulcers, gingivitis, headaches, heart disease, hypertension, better digestion, weakened immunity, indigestion, kidney disease, malaria, menstrual cramps, menstrual disorders, mouth sores, respiratory disorders, ringworm, sinusitis, skin inflammation, sprains, strokes, thrush, and wounds.


It is important to drink noni juice in moderation, always follow the instructions to know the appropriate dosage of this medicinal fruit.


Edited 7/31/14 SCD

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