
The Positive Side of Medicine


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I am a glorious mixture of many different elements that contrive to make me an amazing and wonderful person. I am a work in progress. I am funny, kind, a dreamer, creative, silly, generous, and so very many things! Whenever you have a day that brings you a little down, look at this poster and remember just how amazing and magnificent you are!

i am

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Life is 10% what you make of it, and 90% how you take it.

Why Protein Matters In Your Diet.
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Why Protein Matters In Your Diet

Everybody needs a certain amount of protein to survive. Many people who don’t study nutrition choose foods based on availability, affordability and taste without even considering health factors.


Chicken Nuggets

So all your kid wants to eat is chicken nuggets, and you don’t want to feed your kids fast food or mechanically separated chicken pieces

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